Manchester’s Crime Hotspots

image of the skyline in manchester

Manchester is known for being one of the UK’s most vibrant cities, perhaps mostly for its world-renowned music scene. However, it is undeniable that the city has issues with crime and there are certain areas in particular that are more affected by crime than others. In this blog, we will talk about those areas and what crimes are most prevalent in each part of Manchester using statistics recorded up to 2020.

1. Chinatown

Unfortunately, Manchester’s Chinatown is where a large amount of antisocial behaviour occurs. No stranger to violent crime either, there were over 130 offences recorded as well as 63 robberies, 40 burglaries and nearly 400 thefts.

2. Gay Village

Manchester’s Gay Village is the root of Manchester Pride and a large part of the city’s unique identity. The Gay Village is no stranger to crime itself, where a large number of sexual assault offences are committed. This area of Manchester also saw a staggering 481 reports of violent crimes.

3. Northern Quarter

The Northern Quarter is known for its indie bars, galleries and shops, but is also Manchester’s hotspot for burglaries, recording the highest number of cases throughout 2019. It has been reported that 71 robberies took place as well as a huge 885 thefts.

4. Piccadilly Gardens

Located on the edge of Manchester’s Northern Quarter, Piccadilly Gardens is a large area of green space in the city centre. Unfortunately in recent years, this area has attracted quite a large amount of gang violence, with 90 cases of affray being reported in a year. Additionally, there were 481 violent crimes committed. 

5. Commercial District

Manchester’s Commercial District is one of the city’s most popular places to visit for shops and bars. Unfortunately, the Commercial District has serious problems with theft, as an unbelievable 4,469 cases were reported. This part of Manchester’s crime stats are large across the board, with 805 violent incidents were committed, as well as 319 robberies, 259 burglaries and 228 public order offences. 

Contact Umbrella Security

If you are in the Manchester area and would like to acquire security services, you can get in contact with Umbrella Security by filling out our online enquiry form or by calling us on 0121 554 2761. 

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