How Can Retail Crime be Prevented?

An image of a woman looking at a coat, inside a clothes store, with a security tag on it.

The March 2019 retail survey from the British Retail Consortium, provides crime insights for retail businesses turning over £103 billion. The insights cover the period between 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018.

Members of the BRC found that 115 retail workers are attacked and many more threatened. Further to this, a huge £700 million was lost due to customer theft alone during this time period.

The Effect on Employees

Of course, the stress induced by retail crime on employees has been significant. A report by City, University of London, stated that the rise in violent retail crime is causing “long-lasting anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder”. Further to this, the consequences of retail crime can cause employees to take time off work or even leave their job permanently. Significant staff absence or turnover can heavily disrupt the workplace and mean more time must be spent recruiting and training, which takes a lot of resources.

Preventing Retail Crime

Retail crime causes great disruption for not only the business in question, but also its employees, so it is vital that steps are taken to reduce the number of crimes in this sector.

Meet Customers at The Door

Door security is already seen in a number of shops, but not all. Investing in security guards that greet customers as they walk through the door can go a long way in preventing crime. Not only do security guards have a high chance of spotting would-be thieves before the enter the store, they can also act as a deterrent. Additionally, having a team of trained security guards on-sight means that your store team will have immediate back-up should they be challenged.

Crime Mapping

If you have already noticed a rise in crime happening in your store, it is a good idea to begin documenting the times, days and areas of the store that are targetted the most. Once you begin collating this data, you can make changes in order to help prevent crime or catch the perpetrators. Consider things such as adding more CCTV to a certain area of the store, displaying warning signs of the cameras, and adding panic buttons which can be used by staff and go directly to the police. You may also want to invest in in-store security around these times.

Umbrella Security Services

Here at Umbrella Security Services, we provide a wide range of services to help you increase the security of your premises and prevent crime. We work with businesses and individuals across the UK. For more information on how we can help you, please call our dedicated team today on 0121 554 2761. Alternatively, head over to our online contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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