Does CCTV Surveillance Reduce Crime?

an image of a silver cctv camera

It is human nature to want to explore the benefits of a product before you purchase it. In light of this, here at Umbrella Security, we endeavour to shed light on some of the important things to know in regards to CCTV surveillance. Find out more below.

The Impact of CCTV Surveillance on Crime

The main conclusion most potential customers are looking for is that their investment will prove beneficial. The purpose of CCTV surveillance, at its core, is to reduce crime and there are various results that prove this is the case. For example, there has been a 51% reduction of crime in car parks as a result of this security measure. Moreover, the UK has seen a greater reduction in crime due to CCTV installation than other countries, which is also reflected in the 23% crime reduction on public transport. There have also been a number of high-profile criminal cases solved through the use of CCTV footage, and the authorities are using this technology to improve their efficiency and piece together cases every day.

According to Gill and Spriggs, these reductions are down to the psychology of criminals. A 2005 study by the psychologists into the psychology of CCTV in relation to crime gathered an insight into their correlation. The main takeaway was that CCTV cameras operate as a deterrent for criminals. The idea of either being caught on camera either while committing the crime or after the act offered great motivation to re-think their intentions. Furthermore, criminals are statistically more likely to plead guilty when presented with evidence from a CCTV camera, which can save the court up to £5,000 per case.

Other Benefits of CCTV Surveillance

Alongside the obvious crime-related benefits of CCTV surveillance, there are various other positives for the use of the security measure. Firstly, the public often report feeling safer as a result of CCTV cameras being in operation. Moreover, other emergency services – such as the ambulance and fire services – can benefit from incidents being reported by camera operators. Known criminals may also be monitored using CCTV systems, which is less intrusive and less likely to provoke them than being followed by a security guard, for example. Finally, the ability to locate personnel is paramount to the importance of these systems. Locating lost children is the main benefit of this aspect, although employers may utilise the technology to locate employees and/or ensure their safety and job compliance.

In conclusion, although some may disregard the positive benefits of CCTV, the implementation of these systems is making a difference. The investment for installation is relatively small and can make a noticeable improvement – especially within residential and commercial property. Therefore, we recommend you carefully consider CCTV for your security needs.

Umbrella Security Services

If you would like to hear more about the CCTV Surveillance and Alarm Systems we offer, visit our services page. Similarly, if you would like to get in contact with us, please fill out our online contact form or call us on 0121 5542761.

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